A preview of the new “concept” for System Logistics
The complexity of activities related to intralogistics and the ever-increasing demand - from beverage customers to suppliers of automation – for simplification, inspired the creative path that led to the development of the "concept" for the drinktec 2013.
The Complexity Theory is the answer given in recent years by the Mathematics to understand phenomena seemingly random, but more correctly defined as "non-linear", where none of their components can be studied separately from the other: the”complex” systems precisely , widely present in electronics, in chemistry, biology, economics, nature...
We followed a logical parallel between Nature and System Logistics, identifying at least two contact points:
- like Nature, System Logistics works in complexity
- like Nature, System Logistics has simple solutions
Nature works in complex systems, but they appear extremely simple: a butterfly, a snowflake, a cloud...
Similarly System Logistics acts in complex systems, but it has identified "the formula" to manage the complexity of making simple solutions.
System Logistics:
- has the formula to describe the complexity
- has the tools to interpret and manage
- has the solution "naturally" simple to offer the customer
That's why, thanks to System Logistics, complexity has never been so simple.